Snag your brand build before spots run out!









I'm going to cut to the chase . . . .


A brand is SO much more than colors and fonts.


Let’s laser-focus your messaging, content, and offers so you can stop wasting your time talking to everyone and start talking to THE ONE. 

I'm going to cut to the chase . . . .


A brand is SO much more than colors and fonts.


Let’s laser-focus your messaging, content, and offers so you can stop wasting your time talking to everyone and start talking to THE ONE.

I’ll put it this way:


What if, with my eyes on your biz, you could walk away with what you need to start calling in leads who are saying “She’s the girl for me.” 


A power-packed session that teaches you how to build authority online and show up confidently in the consistent conversations you KNOW your clients need to support their entire transformation.

If you are ready to move past surface level work into purpose-driven impact . . . keep reading.

Here’s the problem . . . 


You know that in order to get to those consistent 5 or 10k months, you need to get specific about your brand.

But you’re constantly second-guessing yourself and asking questions like . . .
  • What am I creating? 
  • How do I sell it? 
  • Why me?
  • Where do I find clients?
  • What do I post on social media?!
  • I know I’m made for more, but how the heck do I turn it into a business?

You’re probably thinking, “But, what is a brand and why do I need one?”


Here’s how I explain it to my clients:

A brand is made up of 5 things

  • Knowing who you specifically serve
  • The “mental real estate” you take up (aka what you want to be known for)
  • Your Brand Pillars
  • The transformation or results you are selling
  • Your story and the “why” behind what you do


This is the foundation of your business.

Picture your business like a tree. 


Your brand is the roots. You can’t see them, but they are what gives the tree life. 


They aren’t glamorous, but they are the most important thing the tree needs to grow. Without them, it can’t survive. 


It is only once the roots are planted firmly in the ground that the tree can begin growing branches and producing fruit year after year.


When you are firmly rooted in your brand you become more magnetic, more aligned, more confident and more abundant. You know who you are, how you serve and become the Leader of the movement you were born to lead.  

You know you are called to be a purposeful leader in business, but you’ve struggled to become an irreplaceable authority because you can’t clearly define and communicate what it is you do and what makes you different.


I see it all the time.


Women running at breakneck pace chasing after clients to turn a profit.


Spreading themselves so thin that the thought of doing one more thing makes them want to quit.


They are told they need to make short-term sacrifice for long-term gain, but find themselves wondering when the “short-term” will end and they can start living their lives again.


If they can just get to 10,000 followers their business would be golden and they could finally relax.

The real problem?


You are struggling because you whipped past the real work, done right and consistently. 


You need to get your reps in learning how to really talk to your girl so she is drawn to you (no running shoes required).


You've lacked the right guide to support you in digging into a consistent brand message, so creating content feels forced and isn’t strategically moving the needle in your business.


You don’t need more hours in the day.

You need intentional time invested in getting clear on your brand.

It wouldn’t be a Kelly Brock page if I didn’t walk you through your vision, would it?


Can you imagine - 

You are aligned with your peace, walking out your purpose, and consistently calling in your dream clients without sacrifice, stress or anxiety. 


What would that feel like?
Just call me Bob Ross because I’m going to paint you a picture.


βœ… You feel fulfilled in your life and your business. (Oh yes, girl - I’m saying you can have both.)

βœ… You are the impactful female business leader you know you are meant to be.

βœ… Your messaging is so tight, your DMs are full of women wanting to work with you or join your team.


Your Custom Brand Build


One-on-one strategy that will support you in getting clear on the brand you are building and give you solid action steps to put your plan into motion.

One-on-one strategy that will support you in getting clear on the brand you are building and give you solid action steps to put your plan into motion.

Whether you are just getting started or you are having consistent 5-figure months, my framework meets you where you are, clarifies where you are going, and freaking slingshots you in the right direction.


Your brand is a living thing.


I could list all the options of what we can cover in your Brand Build, but here’s the truth: anytime you are leveling up in your business you don’t know what you don’t know!

That’s where I come in! 


I take a birds-eye view of your business and through my unique method of strategic questioning we are able to pinpoint the actions that will be the biggest needle-movers in reaching your goals both in revenue and in impact. 
Until now, this has only been something I’ve offered the women in my programs.
 I’m only opening up a small number of spots and once they are gone I don’t know when I’ll be opening up any more for the rest of the year.

Before I go any further, I want to make sure I address what a Brand Build with me is NOT

  • Logo creation
  • Picking color palettes and font combos
  • Conceptualizing brand photoshoots 
  • Designing your website
  • The visual part of your brand

These are certainly parts of building a business (I mean, hello, I have peace signs everywhere), but, if that’s what you are looking for, I can point you in the direction of some amazing women with exactly that zone of genius.

The Investment

2-Hour Custom Brand Build


50% due now and 50% due on day of session

  • You choose what you'd like to focus on during our time together!
  • 2 one-hour sessions of virtual one-on-one branding goodness with me.
  • 7 days of WhatsApp support

(p.s. keep scrolling for some juicy bonuses) 


Want a little more? 

Sounds like you might be a VIP gal.

VIP Virtual Brand Build Experience


50% due now and 50% due week of sessions

  • 2 consecutive days consisting of 4 hours meeting virtually on Zoom each day where we dive deep into your brand and I walk you through my exclusive framework that will have you confidently moving forward in every part of your business
  • 2 weeks of WhatsApp support proceeding our VIP days

VIP In-Person Brand Build Experience


50% due now and 50% due week of sessions

  • I travel to you and we work together in person (my fave✨)
  • 2 days consisting of 4 hours meeting in person each day where we dive deep into your brand and I walk you through my exclusive framework that will have you confidently moving forward in every part your business
  • 2 weeks of WhatsApp support proceeding our VIP days

We can’t forget the BONUSES, though!


In addition to your Custom Brand Build, I also want to gift you 4 bonuses to support your momentum after our session.


Bonus 1

Content Generator List

40+ prompts to get you off on the right foot writing content that connects, engages and converts. Stop feeling the paralysis of a blank screen and start building relationships with your ideal clients with these caption starters immediately. 

The biggest obstacle to posting consistently on social media is knowing what to post. I know, once you get started, these prompts will be the jolt you needed to continue creating content that makes your ideal client feel seen, heard, and loved.

Value = $97

Bonus 2

Content Creation Strategy PDF

Access the exact frustration-free strategy I personally use to plan my social media content.

How would it feel if you could plan 20 pieces of top-notch content in under 30-minutes? 

Combining the breakthroughs in your Brand Build with my custom content calendar and this ideation strategy you’ll be saying “Bye, Felicia” to your posting woes for good!

Value = $147

Bonus 3

Custom brand pitch with up to 3 personalized edits from me

When someone asks about what you do . . . what do you tell them? 

You only have 30-seconds to catch their attention so the ability to have a short and sweet statement that summarizes exactly what you do, who you serve, and how you serve them is CRUCIAL!

Together we will create your power-packed pitch so you can stop just calling yourself a coach or consultant (cause, let’s be real, you are SO much more than that) and start confidently communicating what you’re REALLY doing.

Value = $247

Bonus 4

Peace Gear!!

You’ll be looking FLY in your exclusive Peaceful Performer hat.

It’s so classic, I guarantee it will be a staple in your workout rotation (and probably on hair wash day too).

I have people in my DMs asking for this hat whenever I wear mine, but the only way to get one is by working with me. 

Value = Priceless πŸ˜‰

Got questions?

Great! I’ve got answers.

2-Hour Custom Brand Build


50% due now and 50% due on day of session

  • You choose what you'd like to focus on during our time together!
  • 2 one-hour sessions of virtual one-on-one branding goodness with me.
  • 7 days of WhatsApp support

(p.s. keep scrolling for some juicy bonuses) 


VIP Virtual Brand Build Experience


50% due now and 50% due week of sessions

  • 2 consecutive days consisting of 4 hours meeting virtually on Zoom each day where we dive deep into your brand and I walk you through my exclusive framework that will have you confidently moving forward in every part of your business
  • 2 weeks of Voxer support proceeding our VIP days

VIP In-Person Brand Build Experience


50% due now and 50% due week of sessions

  • I travel to you and we work together in person (my fave✨)
  • 2 days consisting of 4 hours meeting in person each day where we dive deep into your brand and I walk you through my exclusive framework that will have you confidently moving forward in every part of your business
  • 2 weeks of Voxer support proceeding our VIP days