How I Batched My Social Media Content When I Couldn't Show Up Live


We've all been there . . . 

Life gets busy and before you know it . . . you haven't show up in our stories all day (or more 😬). It's been a week since you posted on your feed. You find yourself frantically posting what comes to you in that moment even though it might not serve your ideal client and could even distract or confuse them.

I want to walk you through I how batched my social media content this week while I was moving because I KNEW things were about to get WILD at the Brock house. 😂
1. Get clear on your brand pillars (more on this next week 😉)
2. Pick one pain and one solution PER story
3. Pre-record and post when you're ready
Check out my video as I walk you through my process!
Quick tip: Whatever you have planned for that day - write a short post about it and then expand on that in your stories! This serves multiple purposes:
1. Less content for you to come up with (hello repurposing and double dipping!)
2. The value you shared will live on your feed and continue to serve your clients 
3. Expanding on the info in your stories allows you to connect on a deeper level and can bring people closer to you when they hear you speak.
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