How I Got Here: From Billboards To Breakdowns To Building Business A New Way

Uncategorized Oct 19, 2022

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Welcome to the Guide Not Guru podcast! My purpose is to empower women to create authentic, aligned, and abundant lives. After over a decade of mentoring women in business and self-leadership, I found that we don't need to adopt a gurus blueprint, we need guides to help us build our own lives!

In the very first episode of this podcast, I talk about the reasoning behind naming my podcast, how I dealt with my depression diagnosis, making the decision to walk away from my career and why I have made the decision to be your guide, not guru. 


 In this episode, we cover:

  • Welcome to the podcast! [3:17]
  • Navigating my anxiety and depression diagnosis [6:30]
  • Breaking down and admitting the truth about my health [11:43]
  • You can be called to something and called away from the very same thing [16:14]
  • Launching my very first course and leading a more authentic life  [21:45]
  • I am  willing to be your Guide, not Guru [27:42]


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